20 May 2008

samwiches, coffee, music, movies, and swiffer.

nothing about the cats today....oh wait. just one thing, then on to something else. my new apartment is surrounded by beautiful bushes and flowers. there are lots of birds that live in the bushes. and the cats sit in the windows and sleep or look outside. well, when they see birds they makes this clicking sound. i always thought it was cute, like they were trying to talk to the birds or something. Brooke tell me that they're warming up their "DEATH BITE". disturbing. i'm going to still just choose to think that G.O. is talking to the birds. she doesn't know anything about a "death bite." geez.

so, today i woke up to find that it was NOT raining and actually pretty outside. much cooler (about 20 degrees) than the past couple days, but i have no complaints about that. i got dressed and went to 14 carrot cafe for some lunch, solo. not too bad, and i have a half samwich for later. i know it's spelled "sandwich", but i say "saMwich" so i'm just going to spell it how i say it. then i came to Voxx- the coffee shop down the street from 14 carrot, and up the hill from my place. it's been a good coffee day here. usually i say that voxx doesn't ever make the milk hot enough even when i ask for extra hot...but today, it was great. and the second barista is a looker. he's got dark brown hair, long, parted in the middle, and pulled back in a pony tail. he also has a full beard. i told him that if he shaved the beard, he'd have a magnum pi moustache. he laughed, and i wanted to blurt out that i thought he was cute. but i didn't. then i would have let me weirdness out. i need to keep that under wraps. he's granola, and i like that.

i get in the habit of downloading music when i'm at coffee shops.....music that makes the soundtrack for the movie life i have in my head. i wouldn't automatically admit that i live wishing for a fairytale life, but i do...and i live my life to some screenplay i've cooked up in my head. it's like a fantasy that's bled into my reality, and it's hard to know better sometimes. the music just adds another layer, adds another detail to the movie.....sometimes it's better than real life....sometimes more heartbreaking to realize that it's all just a dream i've cooked up. but in real life i'm just broken anyway. damn, this music brings this crap out of me.

funny georgie oranges and gibbon. since i don't have carpet anymore i notice all the dust and hair. i'm going to start making the cats sweep....or maybe i'll tie swiffer cloths on their tails. if i do that i'll take a picture.

1 comment:

Wenikio said...

Just out of curiosity, what were the songs you were listening to today? I have a soundtrack too :) I was going to respond to the whole third paragraph with something engaging, but what keeps coming out is, "yes, I totally understand." So... yeah. I totally understand and do the same thing :)Maybe we missed our calling- screenplay?