Sometimes, the first thing you want never comes.
And I know, the waiting is all you can do. Sometimes..."
That verse is from a melancholy AquaLung song and has not much to do with the following.
I was thinking about TV shows today, which is really not what i was thinking about, but it's lighter than what's on my mind. This isn't a pseudo emo's a silly blog for my cats. so, i'll try to keep the emo/faux-sensitive material out of here. back to tv shows....
My cats don't watch tv- at least i don't think. i've never come home to find the tv on, so i suspect they don't watch, but i don't know for sure. But if they did...
I only have one TV, so they would likely fight over what to watch. Gibbon is very intellectual (i assume, because his chest fur looks like an ascot and smoking jacket, and people that wear those are kind of smart looking). I think he would like to watch PBS or the travel channel. He doesn't prefer CSI. If he had to chose CSI i wouldn't be the Miami one; Gibbon thinks David Caruso is inflated. He might watch the news, but nothing biased like FOX. I don't know about the news though, he probably finds it too overwhelming and depressing. No, i think he doesn't watch the news. He does like Mythbusters because he seeks the truth. I bet Gibbon reads more than he watches TV. He doesn't have a library card, though, so i don't know what he reads (but i'm sure that he does).
Georgie Oranges doesn't know how to read. And that i'm sure of. I once caught her with my glasses on, but the book was upside down. She was just faking it. She loves TV i bet. She does not watch serious shows because she can't understand that much. And she's too naive for the news. She likes Sponge Bob Square Pants and the PowerPuff Girls, or anything on Animal Planet- except for the ASPCA stuff. Mostly she likes the the Funniest Animals show.
Since i work long hours, i know the cats entertain themselves somehow...eating the plants, reading, tv, maybe they listen to music (but obviously they have varied tastes in music). Georgie Oranges likes kids sing-along music, but she doesn't know the words. Gibbon does not like this and would prefer silence. His eyes are closed right now, but his ears are listening.....he know exactly what i'm talking about. Later maybe he'll do some work on the computer.