Here's how the mornings go: My alarm goes off. I hit snooze for up to 40 minutes. I call for Georgie. She comes in an pops up on the bed. She walks across my hair and then comes right up to my face. Maybe she can't see very well in the dark. Then i try to hold her but she runs out.....then comes back when i call her. Gibbon will sometimes come in, but he doesn't want any petting. He sits at the foot of the bed waiting for me to get up. Once I'm up, Gibbon jumps in the bathtub and waits for me to turn the water on- he likes fresh water. Then i get ready for work, etc, and head out.
When i don't work, i don't set my alarm. I like to sleep in. Fortunately, i've got a little orangie cat that doesn't let me sleep past 11:00. She starts at about 10:00. Comes in, pops up, walks aross, doesn't let me hold. Repeat. But this time, she meows the whole time: she's the alarm. But i don't know why she does this. Is she bored? She has food. I don't know. But that's what she does...just like clock work.

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