blogs are a funny thing. the word itself is fairly new to the english vernacular. but it sounds like blobs, and makes me laugh. some blogs make me laugh, but most don't. mine is ridiculous. dedicated to a cross eyed cat. i wish i could convey in writing the thoughts i have in my head, but i just don't have that gift. maybe i'm really the only one who thinks i'm funny. but what i really hope for is to find someone that understands my funny. i bet G.O. thinks i'm funny.
does anyone read this stuff anyway? i think all bloggers, whether they admit it or not, hope that someone is reading their thoughts and connecting in some way. i think that's kind of weird. or maybe not. i guess everyone wants to feel important or connected to someone else- even at the core. i just want someone to give me a hug every day for the rest of my life.
PS: that's me on my 29th birthday. jil made the cake.
This blog is #1 on my blog list. :) What a good idea to have a funny blog dedicated to none other than G.O. Perhaps this is why we are such good friends, we will be fellow crazy cat ladies together some day. You are welcome to join the pretend retirement community that Wendy and I have set up since you are so funny.
it's my favorite blog too. wait, am i allowed to say that since i WRITE the blog? i think so. no one makes me laugh more than my blog. suckers.
Hahaha...look where strolling around on blogspot get me. I just noticed that you were a James Morrison fan, so I just clicked on your profile and started reading. What else am I to do at work? I mean, yeah work, but who really does that?
Just kidding. I just wanted to let you know that there is someone reading your blogs. Feel free to do the same!...or not.
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