G.O. first: i think she's a gemini because she was born in may or june.
Gemini: Cat On A Hot Tin Roof
Gemini is the Sign of the kitten-cat...the exaggeratedly playful feline who is fickle and indecisive to the point of distraction. Blessed with the gift of eternal youth, this cat will fritter away his or her life in a muddled confusion of comings and goings...ditherings and datherings...for this is the born explorer of the cat world. The Gemini Cat is a highly intellectual creature but lacks the ability to make much sense, twittering and squawking at owners most of the time. This feline is a lively and enthusiastic cat. A highly-strung, hyperactive soul, this feline will possess small features and brightly-eager eyes that are constantly on the move. The Gemini Cat is sleek and long-limbed, possessed with probably the most acute eyesight of its species. The actions of this feline will always be erratic. Being exceptionally bright creatures, the Gemini Cat will soon learn how to open any cat-flap.

The Gemini Cat views the home as one glorious adventure playground created especially for his or her enjoyment. The Gemini Cat really comes into his or her own when living with a Libra owner and the infectious happiness will be quite obvious. Though Libra is nowhere near as flippant as Gemini, these two signs will share a rather lively relationship. The second-best choice for an owner of the Gemini Cat would probably be an Aquarius native, provided water does not comes into play too often. This feline finds it easy to make friends with most animals, including dogs, and simply adores the companionship of other cats.
OH MY GOSH. this i just like her- except for the acute eyesight, and long limbs... we're soul mates- I KNEW IT!!! ok, so here's what it says about gibbon. he was born mid november, so he's a scorpio (like me)...
Scorpio: The Cat's Pajamas
The Scorpio Cat is a powerful cat with more than a mere sting in his or her tail. This resourceful and intelligent feline will delight in organizing things and people, finding the normal business of the domestic cat to be boring and mundane. Determination is the guiding force of the Scorpio Cat...and it is indeed a force to be reckoned with. Deep inside (if the owner is ever able to delve that far), the Scorpio Cat is truly a rather mixed-up cat, desperately seeking love and security. A Scorpio Cat may usually be recognized by a muscular body and beautiful eyes...the ideal specimen being one with jet-black fur and eyes of deep emerald green.

He or she will be deeply intuitive of others where feelings are concerned, possessing the gift of empathy and the ability to read emotions. This feline senses when an owner desires companionship and when he or she would rather be left alone. The Scorpio Cat is always strangely drawn to those unfortunate humans who are not fond of cats. This feline does become genuinely attached, but in a rather aloof sort of way...offering companionship in return for a high standard of living.
A Scorpio Cat usually does best with a Scorpio owner. Most owners of Scorpio Cats tend to develop a special telepathic bond with this mysterious feline. The Scorpio Cat always seems to know just what his or her human is thinking, easily senses danger, and will arrive for dinner just moments before being called. Strange and arcane, the Scorpio Cat brings luck and protection to his or her owner. In short, the Scorpio Cat is pure magic.
pretty magical. cheers!
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